Click on the public transport, and you get precise details on bus routes, bus stops, bus numbers, their timings and a pretty good estimate on the time you'll need to get there.
"The addition of local bus services in Hyderabad to Google India Transit will help millions of commuters and visitors in the city to explore public transportation options as they search for directions or locations, and encourage alternatives to driving," Kapil Goswami from Google India's business development said in a blogpost.
For this, Google mapped 446 APSRTC bus routes in Hyderabad.
"The entire data on Hyderabad's bus services, which are run by APSRTC, was collected and as we go along, we will keep adding various modes of transport like we did in Mumbai and Delhi where transit services of local trains and metro rail are also mapped along with bus services," the spokesperson explained.
While the service can't account for real time travel and rush hour, the service does let you access a too to indicate a change in landmarks.
Google began Transit information on Google maps for India mid-2010. Currently, Hyderabad, Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune, Chennai and Ahmedabad have their public transport on it mapped on it. (
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