Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Home Remedies for Blackheads | Blackhead Treatment

Blackheads are very common in young People but many of them do not know what they are.This is not a serious Problem for it leaves no permanent effect.However,taking regular care of theskin can prevent them.
Blackheads are follicles that have wider opening than the usual and are also known as open comedones and are frequently caused by over active sebaceous glandsBlackheads particularly appear on the facebackchest and other parts that have sebaceousglands. The remains created in are mainly responsible for providing black colour to the blackheads.

The main reason of black heads is the oily skin. The outside conditions are also a main factor which affects the origination ofblack heads. Lack of hygienic condition may also contributes in worsening the condition.

Home Remedies:
* Make a paste of ground radish seeds with water and apply on faceto get rid of blackheads. This works as the super natural home remedy for blackheads.

* A packet made with crushed potatoes packed in thin cloth (poultice) is quite effective in treating black heads.

* Warm honey and apply on the blackheads, wash the face after 10-15 minutes.

* Steaming is also beneficial as it opens and softens the pores for easy removal of blackheads.

* Fenugreek leave commonly known as methi in India are made into paste form by crushing it. It is then applied on face and the left untouched for 20 minutes then wash your face with luke warm water.

* Ground drumstick pods and leaves and mixed with fresh lime juice, and apply on blackhead and dark spots an efficient and easy to made home remedy for blackhead.

* Almond powder mixed with rose water and made into a fine paste. Now this paste is applied on black heads to see the marvelous results in black heads and other skin ailments.

* Mix the paste of tender neem leaves with turmeric and apply on the affected area. This is good blackhead remedy.

* Applications of beated white of egg on face and then wash it with luke warm water. After wards scrub your face dry with a clean towel. It helps in loosening of the black heads.

* Application of undiluted lemon juice 2-3 times a day on the affected areas will remove blackheads.

Home Remedies for Pimples | Pimple Home Remedies

Pimples are small lesions on the surface of the skin, which sometimes cause great nflammation and irritation. Pimples are formed when the pores on the skin becomes clogged or infected. This usually occurs when blackheads or white heads become severe. Sometimes pimples develop out of no reason and usually go away with the passage of time but in most cases these pimplesare an initial phase of acne or other skin problems. This usually happens when people ignore pimples, which results in severeacne. If further ignored acne pimples may often turn into uglyscars.
Causes of Pimples:

* Constipation
* Not cleansing the face thoroughly
* To much consumption of coca cola, tea, coffee
* Less consumption of water
* Late nights
* Hormonal imbalance

Symptoms of Pimples:

Pimples appears as whiteheads and blackheads on the face, shoulders, neck and chest. Pimple can range from mild to severe and can last a few weeks, months, years or can come and go throughout life. If a blemish becomes infected, a pimple can result. Severe acne can be painful and can cause serious scars if not treated.
Home Remedies for Pimples:

* Create a paste from ground orange peels and apply to affected areas.

* Juice of raw papaya is the best treatment for pimples. Apply fresh juice of raw papaya on pimples and get a good result.

* Gently apply fresh lime juice on pimples.

* Tea tree oil is another popular and effective remedy for pimples.

* The oatmeal mixture should be applied like a mask on the effected area for 20 minutes. This oatmeal mask should be used twice a week for great results.

* Mixing grind nutmeg with milk will work to remove pimples instantly.

* Applying an orange peel paste on the area of your face with pimples is another effective way. The orange peel should become a paste by grinding it with little water.

* Use boiled milk combined with fresh lime juice as facial wash for cracked skin, blackheads, and pimples.

* Mint juice when applied on every evening can treat pimples as well. It also effective in treating scabies, insect stings, skin infections, and eczema.

* Apply on the affected area for at least 1 hour the pulp of ripe tomatoes. Wash it off with water.

Home Remedies for Acne Scars | Acne Scar Removal

Acne Scars can be a problem if you are suffering from acne it’s aheadache but if you are not beware because it affects almost 90% of all humans and you might be the next one. Acne often leaves small scars where the skin gets a "volcanic" shape.
Acne Scars
Physical acne scars are often referred to as "Icepick" scars. This is because the scars tend to cause an indentation in the skin's surface. Acne scars may result from failure to properly treat even mild superficial acne lesions, not only from severe inflammatory nodular or cystic acne occurring deep in the dermis. So you've better stop playing with fire and become proactive.
Acne Scars
Causes of Acne Scars:
As with all scars, the most common reason for acne scar is the loss of tissue. Many types of acne scars are the results of this cause. The well known ‘ice-pick’ scar, depressed scars, soft scars, atrophic macules to name major ones.
Acne Scars

Home Remedies For Acne Scars:
Some of the commonly used home remedies for acne scars are:
* Apply a mixture of sandalwood paste and rose water on theskin. Allow it to be there the whole night. Wash it only the next day. Keep on doing this each day until the scars disappears.

* Apply honey on the scars. Honey has medicinal value and it makes the scars disappear. You can also include honey as a part of your diet.

* Include fresh vegetables and fruits daily to reduce the scars due to acne.

* Drink plenty of water as it flushes out the unwanted toxins from the body.

* Applying ice on the face helps to tighten the pores. This helps in reducing the scars on the face.

* You can apply lemon juice on the scars. Leave it for some time on the skin. Applying lime juice regularly will reduce the acne scars.

* Egg whites are affective in treating acne scars. Apply it evenly on the scars using cotton.

* Olive oil can also be used to remove acne scars. It makes theskin very smooth.

* Aloe Vera can also be applied directly to the skin to removeacne scars.

* Cut the tomatoes into slices and rub them on the scars. This can be done each day to lighten the scars.

Dysentery Treatment | Home Remedies for Dysentery

What is Dysentery:

Dysentery is a general term for a group of gastrointestinal disorders characterized by inflammation of the intestines, particularly the colon. Characteristic features includeabdominal pain and cramps, straining at stool (tenesmus), and frequent passage of watery diarrhea or stools containing bloodand mucus. Dysentery is a disease that primarily affects theintestines. Usually found in poorer areas of the world.


The bacteria enters the body through the mouth in food or water, and also by human faces and contact with infected people. Thediarrhea causes people suffering from dysentery to lose important salts and fluids from the body. This can be fatal if the body dehydrates.


Symptoms of Dysentery:

Dysentery Symptoms Include:

* Runny diarrhea might contain blood, mucus, and pus.

* Exertion during bowel movements.

Pain in the abdomen.

* Vomiting and nausea.


* Nausea.

* Achy muscles throughout the body.

* Frequent motions which are watery.

* Rapid weight loss and dehydration. The elderly and the very young are particularly vulnerable to dehydration.


Dysentery Causes:

1. Germ infection in the colon.

2. Over spiced food and fatty foods.

3. Unsanitary conditions, chill.

4. Intestinal disorders.

5. Lowered vigor.

6. Fatigue and weakness.


Dysentery Prevention:

Dysentery is spread because of poor hygiene. To minimize the risk of catching the disease:

• Wash your hands with soap and water after using the toilet and regularly throughout the day, particularly after coming into contact with an infected person.
• Wash your hands before handling, eating or cooking food, handling babies and feeding children or elderly people.

• Keep contact with an infected person to a minimum.

• Do not share towels and facecloths.

• Wash the laundry of an infected person on the hottest setting possible.

Dysentery Remedies:

* Wood apple is very useful in dysentery. The soft pulp of the fruit should be taken twice daily.

* Grind about 2 grams of seeds of fenugreek into fine powder. Put it in a bowl full of curds. Drink it three times in day. It will provide relief.

* 50 gm Yogurt mixed with small amount of honey 3 times a day gives fast relief.

* Powder 2 to 4 gm of ginger. Add it to a glass of warm water.

* Apple is also considered advantageous in the management of acute and chronic dysentery in the kids.

* Eat simple food, preferably curd rice.

* One can chew the leaves of Butea tree in case the dysentery is mild.

* Pound some curry leaves, when tender into a pulp and mix honey. Take 2 teaspoonfuls twice in a day.

* One can have kichari, Indian form of rice gruel whereby moong dal(lentils) are boiled and rice added to it. The two are pounded. It can be easily digested.

* Extract ginger juice in some warm water and add castor oil. Have it for two as it cures you of the dysentery completely.